Help this Best-Selling Author Find his Dog & Get a Role in his Next Book!


Dennis Lehane, the best-selling author of author of such titles as “The Given Day,” “Gone Baby Gone” and “Mystic River,” is offering fans the chance of a lifetime – a role in his next (sure to be a best-seller) book!

All you have to do is locate his missing Beagle, Tessa.

Author Dennis Lehane has offered a role in his next best-seller to the person that finds and returns his lost Beagle, Tessa. Photo courtesy Dennis Lehane.

On Christmas Eve, the black and tan rescue dog jumped the fence of his Brookline, Massachusetts home and has been missing ever since.

The following day, Lehane wrote this plea to fans on his Facebook page, in an effort to get his furbaby back home,

… our recent and beloved rescue dog, Tessa, jumped the fence in Brookline and has been roaming through the wilds of Coolidge Corner for the last 24 hours. It’s possible she’s staying in some good Samaritan’s home right now or has tucked herself away on a porch. But if anyone sees her or knows of her whereabouts, please reach out to this page. Here’s a picture of her. She’s smart, fast, and immeasurably sweet. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She’s micro-chipped, but her tags were off when she was let out into the yard. Naming of character in the next book for anyone who gets her back to us! (No, really!) Again–Tessa, black-and-tan Beagle, 24 hours on the lam, sweet as all hell. Thank you!

Words of encouragement and sightings from fans have been pouring in. Lehane says they’re following up on every single lead, including those that seem too far away from home.

In one sighting, a woman was seen chasing a similar looking Beagle down the street. Most surely, it’s a big fan hoping desperately to get her name in the book. However, chasing a frightened, lost dog will cause more harm than good.

Anyone in the Brookline, Mass. area that believes they have spotted Lehane’s missing dog, Tessa, are urged to crouch down, low to the ground, and call her name softly. If that doesn’t work, the author is asking folks to call the Brookline Animal Control (617) 730-2222 immediately and post the sighting to his Facebook page.

Anyone that has lost a pet knows the overwhelming panic and fear, cured only be their return. Please, if you’re in the area, keep an eye out for Tessa, remember to stay calm and do not chase her, and who knows, maybe you’ll land a spot in Lehane’s next book!


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